Chiang Rai Clock Tower

Chiang Rai Clock Tower “the more the merrier”

The Chiang Rai clock tower was built in 2005 in honor of Her Majesty Queen Sirikit, and is another masterpiece by Chalermchai Kositpipat, who also created the White Temple in Chaing Rai.

When you see Chalermchai Kositpipat’s work, there is no doubt in your mind that this guy is not a believer in the concept of “less is more.”

Thailand’s official tourist organization, Amazing Thailand, has named the Chiang Rai clock tower one of Thailand’s most beautiful clock towers. I can only agree, and if we’re talking, clock towers in the middle of roundabouts, we got a clear winner, nothing comes close.

I’ve driven over 500,000 kilometers in my car around Thailand, and I haven’t seen anything like it.

As I drove laps around Chiang Rai Clock Tower, it struck me how much more harmonious it is with a clock tower in the middle of a roundabout in Thailand, where you drive on the left side of the road; compared to the countries where you drive on the right side.

In a roundabout in Thailand, you go around clockwise. In most other countries, you go counterclockwise.


How to find Chiang Rai Clock Tower

A helping hand from Google maps to get there. If you want to take selfies, park your car first 🙂